Breaking Boundaries with Pro Triathlete Sara Svensk

Breaking Boundaries with Pro Triathlete Sara Svensk

"I never imagined swapping my stethoscope for a bike and a pair of running shoes, but here I am, living my dream." - Sara Svensk

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Sara Svensk, a professional triathlete whose journey from medical school to breaking course records is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as we delve into her background, her transition into triathlon, and how she overcomes injuries to achieve incredible feats.

Early Beginnings

Sara Svensk’s athletic journey began not in the water or on a bike, but on horseback. Growing up in Sweden, she spent countless hours riding and running to and from the stables. This unintentional training laid a robust foundation for her endurance.

It wasn’t until 2015, when her mother encouraged her to try a local triathlon, that Sara discovered her potential in the sport. "I was way off, but I thought it was super fun," Sara recalls of her first triathlon experience.

The Turning Point: Embracing Professionalism

Sara’s transition from hobbyist to professional was swift. Winning the Swedish Nationals for the 70.3 distance in 2016 marked a significant milestone, proving she could compete at a high level. This victory spurred her to pursue triathlon professionally, balancing her demanding career as a medical doctor with rigorous training.

Overcoming Challenges: Battling Injuries

Despite her rapid ascent, Sara’s journey has been far from smooth. Frequent stress fractures have plagued her career, each one a daunting setback. "It felt like my bones were made of crackers," Sara admits. Yet, her resilience and determination have always seen her through.

Sara’s medical background helped her understand the importance of proper nutrition and recovery, essential factors in managing her injuries. This knowledge, combined with her unyielding spirit, has been crucial in her comeback efforts.

Leveraging the LEVER System

A game-changer in Sara’s recovery has been the LEVER system. This innovative body weight support system allowed her to maintain her running volume without the high impact, crucial for her return after multiple stress reactions. "Using LEVER felt like a safe way to rebuild my running without risking another injury," she explains.

Triumph in Mallorca

Sara’s hard work and smart training adaptations paid off recently at the 70.3 Mallorca, where she secured a third-place finish despite limited run training. Utilizing the LEVER system, she strategically alternated between outdoor runs and supported sessions, maintaining her fitness and confidence.

Looking Ahead: Eyes on Ironman Hamburg

What’s next for this remarkable athlete? Sara is gearing up for Ironman Hamburg and potentially another Ironman Pro Series race. Her journey from injuries to top finishes is a testament to her resilience and smart training strategies.

Advice for Athletes: Wisdom from Experience

Sara’s advice for fellow athletes dealing with injuries is simple yet profound: understand the root cause, focus on proper nutrition, and be patient. "Stress fractures can heal completely with the right approach," she emphasizes.

Sara Svensk’s story is a powerful reminder of the dedication and resilience required in professional sports. Her journey from medicine to triathlon, overcoming injuries, and leveraging technology for recovery serves as an inspiration for athletes everywhere.

Follow her journey on Instagram for more updates and insights into her training and races.

  • Follow LEVER Movement on instagram for inspiring stories and training tips.
  • Follow Sara Svensk on Instagram.
  • Learn more about the LEVER system and how it can enhance your training here.