The 3 best ways to use LEVER

The 3 best ways to use LEVER

The 3 best ways to use LEVER

The LEVER Movement system can be utilized in many different ways in your running training. In this blog we’ll break down the three best ways you can incorporate Body Weight Support to further your running ability. 

1. Recovery Day After Your Long Run

Everyone knows the feeling. That creaky feeling you get the day after your long run? Your training schedule says to just go out for an easy run to move your legs again. Haven’t you ever wondered why you’re forced to subject your legs to the harsh pounding on the ground just after you did your longest run of the week?

One of the most common uses for LEVER is simply switching that prescribed easy run outside to a run on the treadmill at 90% bodyweight. 

By hopping on the treadmill and using your LEVER you can avoid that unpleasant feeling of shaking out your long run and instead feel less of a strain on your legs as you recover for your next key session.

2. Easy “Double” Run

You might have heard of the term “double” run in association with training. Quite simply, it is just adding a second run to the day. The potential benefits of adding in a second run are numerous:

  • More training volume
  • More time spent practicing the skill of running
  • More frequent stimulation of your metabolism
  • Stimulating your body after a workout
  • Preparing your body for an upcoming workout

If you’ve never added doubles into your training routine you might be hesitant to add in the extra pounding associated with running more than you already are, and if you do run twice a day some days of the week you might not exactly enjoy the tired legged feeling that comes with your double run. 

Switching your double onto the treadmill and using LEVER isn’t only a great way to add some more training volume into your routine, but it’s also a great way to keep up the frequency in your running routine without the extra impact. 

You can sub in a double run on the treadmill by running for 20:00 - 30:00 at your normal easy run pace at 90% bodyweight.

3. Overspeed Tempo Training

One newer approach for Body Weight Support is to include one running session per week, typically your tempo run or threshold run day, using LEVER and running at a faster pace than you would typically run outside. 

Coach Aaron Geiser of Endure IQ explains how he has his athletes incorporate overspeed training and some of the results his athletes are seeing:

“I'm always trying to hit new expectations from a training standpoint and with LEVER what I really experienced was that higher output on my tempo runs. After switching my tempo runs on the LEVER, I was able to run about 20 seconds faster a mile for my tempos at the same effort.

That really built up my confidence from the standpoint of what I felt like I was going to be able to hold when I would then go back outside and run in a race. The next Half Ironman that I actually did at Oceanside and felt like my top end speed was a heck of a lot faster than what it had been previously. It was just a matter of being able to kind of open up some of those aspects of figuring out what my new ceiling was.”

How should you use LEVER?

There you have it! Three great ways to introduce Body Weight Support into your running training. If you aren't already running with LEVER check out the Blog for more great training info or visit our Shop section on the website to get yours today!